This is awesome and definitely for a good cause.
Scientists at University of Washington and the Imperial College in London (Via PopSci) have developed a gene sequence that when inserted into a population of mosquitoes suppresses the malaria virus and could be an effective form of mass prevention for malaria.
During testing it was revealed that the malaria suppressing gene spreads very quickly and very effectively though populations of mosquitoes, obviously this is the point. The only problem with this is that pesky law of unintended consequences that always seems to get in the way when man tries to manipulate his environment.
Annually 881,000 people die from malaria related illness, 85% of whom where children under the age of 5 years old. In addition $12 Billion are lost every year directly from malaria deaths. (More Malaria Facts)
There are dozens of ways to combat malaria and mosquito population, and that's one of the reasons you don't see malaria in much of the developed world, however poorer countries generally located on the equator don't have the money to invest in malaria treatments and preventions. What's more the complete eradication of malaria is likely impossible, considering that the only way to do that would be to decimate the entire mosquito population which in turn would severely harm ecosystems. (there's that law of unintended consequences again).
Obviously we don't want that, so the only way to make sure that those 748,850 children survive is to provide them with the preventative measures they need to combat malaria.
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