
Monday, April 11, 2011

Alternative Voting Explained

You guys remember the video explaining the differences between the UK, Great Britain, and England?

Well this is by the same guy, and continuing this apparent trend, it's a very good  and pleasantly explained video.

I love videos like this. Explaining things to people in a simple and easily understandable way is (duh) preferable to having to go through a textbook to understand something.

Of course, like everything, there are flaws. At one point in the video the narrator neglects to explain one of the problems with the Alternative Voting method, passing it off as something only math geeks worry about and moving on.

It's clear that this video is in support of different forms of voting beyond the "FPTP" voting method, but it does seem to come off as a little propaganda-y. That being said, it's still a wonderfully informative video that many people should be privy to.

 It seems as though many people are unaware that there are alternative ways for democracy to function, certainly scanning the comments of the YouTube video one can see arguments arising over how "democratic" the AV method is, or how it would be "unamerican" to change the way that voting was done. People do, however, seem to understand that there is some inherent problem in the way that voting works in this country, perhaps that's enough to get them to change their thinking. Perhaps not.

I encourage everybody to share this video with friends, family, neighbors, facebook friends, twitter followers, whatever. The more people that are exposed to alternative ways of doing things, the more debate there can be over them, the better off everything will be. After all, democracy is built upon choice isn't it?


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