
Monday, March 28, 2011

This Is Absolutely What Being A Geek Is All About!

I can't exactly remember how I came across this TED video of Adam Savage, one of the co-hosts for MythBusters, describing his quest to create a near perfect replica from the Maltese Falcon movie. I do, however, remember not remembering how 15 minutes went by so quickly after I watched this.

There's definitely an art to being a geek, as I've said before, but Savage takes this to a whole new level with the level of detail and the amount of effort he puts into this "Creative Project" of his. 

I'm sure many of you have already seen this TED video, but I encourage you to watch it again. Savage's sincerity is absolutely infectious, and it's inspiring to see be so humble about his fantastic (fanatic?) work and to care about nothing more than the fantastic journey it took to get there.

Not to mention he's a great speaker! 


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